Crime and Punishment (B. Eifman Ballet Theater) в Saint Petersburg

Alexandrinsky Theater17 Sep - 8 Oct Ballet16+

The booking time is 30 minutes.

How to buy tickets?

How to order a ticket?

It's simple. Click on the appropriate sector and select any of the available locations

How to pay for a ticket?

Using a bank card on the website online or in cash to the courier

How do I get a ticket?

You can get an electronic ticket by e-mail, or get tickets from a courier or at the company's office

About event

Performance "Crime and Punishment" Boris Eifman Ballet Theater at the Alexandrinsky Theater — This is a unique event for lovers of ballet and classical literature. Based on the novel of the same name by F.M. Dostoevsky, the ballet explores deep philosophical and moral questions through graceful movements and expressive choreography.

The Alexandrinsky Theater, located in the heart of St. Petersburg, provides audiences with the opportunity to enjoy art in a historical interior. The theater is equipped with modern technical means, which ensures high quality sound and light, creating a unique atmosphere for each performance.

The performer of the role of Svidrigailov deserves special attention — Dmitry Lysenkov, laureate of the Russian National Theater Award "Golden Mask" based on the results of the 2016-2017 season in the category “Male Supporting Role”. His skill and depth of performance give the production additional emotional power.

For the convenience of spectators, it is possible to purchase tickets on our website. The purchasing process is simple and intuitive, allowing you to quickly and hassle-free book your seats for your desired date. You can also buy tickets on our website at any time of the day, which is especially convenient for busy people.

Visit the play “Crime and Punishment” at the Alexandrinsky Theater and immerse yourself in the world of high passions and deep experiences embodied in the art of ballet.